Thunder Page is a text editing and analysis (research) tool allowing you to quickly find and Highlight targeted words and phrases from within a document or article. Originally developed as a program to assist both job seekers and employers, it has grown to become more powerful than the intended purpose of scanning job ads and resumes.
Indeed, it has evolved into perhaps the ultimate text research tool available. By allowing the end user to examine text from 2 perspectives - through keyword analysis and by word occurrence (Frequency), the software gives true indication of word relevancy throughout the document.
Targeted words and phrases are assigned unique colors (user selectable) which become more and less prominent as you adjust the background shading. Of the 256 available colors, the first 48 are user selectable.
Additionally, the software was designed to assist those with poor typing and/or spelling skills. With its Automatic Word completion function and associated editable frequently used terms lists, it makes completing even lengthly words possible with just a couple of keystrokes.